The type of hair determines the type of care that has to be taken. An average individual has about 100,000 hairs. We do shed hair every day. The average life of a strand of hair is about two days to even five years. Haircare and nutrition are most essential just like the rest of the body. Haircare pertains to hair hygiene and cosmetology.
The scalp of the hair has to be cleaned just like the skin of our body. The scalp has to be cleaned regularly to remove dead skin cells and toxins. Unclean scalps lead to bacterial infections and other skin hazards. It can also lead to head lice and dandruff. The sebaceous glands produce sebum which naturally protects hair and skin. It is this oil that is secreted that gives hair a natural shine. Combing helps to distribute these fatty acids naturally down to the hair and moisturize it. Brushing also helps to stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more essential sebum. It is essential to wash hair to remove all the oil and sweat from the scalp.
The body should be fed with essential vitamins and minerals to grow healthy hair. Intake of foods consisting of vitamin B5, B8, Folic acid, Calcium, Zinc, Silica, and iron should be increased. Green leafy vegetables, dry fruits, and meats are rich sources of iron. Silica is contained in bean sprouts, potatoes, and cucumber.
Hair Fall Problem
Hair fall problem in ladies is a common problem. Some of the main reasons that hair fall problems are:
Chemical treatments – hair colours and bleaches – chemicals wear down the protein bonds which are responsible for the strength and luster of hair
Physical damage whilst combing roughly and breaking it – excessive combing of hair and excessive sleeping can cause friction and result in damaging the hair.
Excessive blow-drying of hair
Hairstyling tools such as rollers, curling irons, and flat irons
Environmental damage – due to water, sun, weather, etc. Winter can damage the hair greatly by drying it. Cold winds can tangle the hair and excessive sun can bleach the hair.
Insufficient diet and routine – drinking less water, anemia, smoking, and poor quality of food intake